Sunday 6 December 2009

Filming Day - Saturday 5th December 09

Yesterday, we went to our scouted location and filmed our final piece of coursework. We arrived there at about 10:30, and finished filming at around 1:30. I, personally, was very surprised that we got all of our shots done, and we even filmed extra unplanned shots so we had more choice when it comes to editing. The first shot we filmed was the external shot, where 'Babs' throws her glasses out of the window, after this we was inside the building for the duration of the filming.
We ran into no major problems thankfully, and on the whole the day ran quite smoothly. We decided to film some extra shots, such as one where the camera comes from behind the main characters computer to reveal her reading an email. We also altered what the actors were doing in the shots and made creative decisions during the filming process. For example, we were about to do a shot where 'Paolo' is acting out 'Babs' idealic flirtation-but then i had an idea which made the character seem more 'smooth' and also it provided another comedic moment. Creative decisions such as this helped because it either made the shots more interesting, or funnier. I'm glad we had time to film extra shots that weren't on the storyboard because these shots will give us more variety to choose from when it comes to editing. Also, the extra shots we filmed were executed well, and there are some that we are definately going to use.
The location was ideal, and we accomplished everything we wanted-and more. Now, we just have to record the voice overs and begin editing.