Friday 30 October 2009

Prelim Evaluation - Question 2

2) 'Explain the creative decisions you made during the process.'

Our first creative decision was the decision to use mine and Sophie's storyline and plot. This decision was made because me and Sophie had already written three quarters of the script, and we had got about six shots in with the storyboard. We thought it would be ridiculous not to utilise the work we had already done, so we decided to use our storyline. It didn't really affect much, because the storyline/plot didn't have to be anything majorly complex.
Our next creative decision was the decision to use a meeting room, instead of an office-which we had already planned to use. This decision had to be made because the room that we originally wanted, was occupied, so we all decided that we needed either a different office in the school, or a room that was similar to an office. We then found a meeting room, and found that this was still a plausible location to film. This decision did affect what we did, as we ended up cutting out about 3 shots because we didn't have the props that we would have in an office. So, as a result of this creative decision, we had to adapt our original storyboard to suit the location.
Another creative decision made was the decision to give Mr.Smith my role in the prelim, when we had already filmed one shot with me in. We decided we would use him whilst we could, although we had no real reason as to why we decided to change the casting half way through filming, it had no real affect on the prelim.
The next creative decision that was made was to cut some of the opening shots that we had originally planned to do. We decided this when we were editing, because we had edited in the opening titles, and we found that the opening titles transitioned into the shot after that quite nicely. So we discussed the necessity of the opening shots, and after this, we all agreed that these shots could be cut and there would be no drastic difference to the prelim. This decision proved to be beneficial, as the amount of time the process took was now shortened because 2 shots had been cut.
A different creative decision that was made was us deciding what different room to use when the one we used to originally film in was occupied. We all named rooms that were similar, or that we could make look similar, to the original meeting room location. We then prioritised the rooms we had discussed, and went round seeing if they were free or not. We then found a classroom, and decided to 'transform' this into a meeting room, and make it look as similar as we could to the original location. This affected our continuity majorly, as it is clear in the prelim where we have changed location.
Our last creative decision that we made, was probably the biggest. We had to make the decision to put in a shot counter shot, because we had accidentally forgot to include one when doing the storyboard. Also, we had to then come up with some new lines for the new shots, and we discussed and decided what lines we would have. This decision affected how successful the prelim was, because if this element was not included then we wouldn't have been sticking to the rules.

1 comment:

  1. Again, this is really good. Does costume count as creative decisions? The way a character dresses and how it portrays what they are like? But again it is good. :)
