Friday 30 October 2009

Prelim Evaluation - Question 4

4) 'Think about things you would do differently next time. What will you change when you do your final piece and why?'

Well, we will definately check the reliability and availability of our chosen location when it comes to creating our final piece. This is because during our prelim we had so many problems with our location, and whether we were able to use it or not, and it just caused so much trouble when it came to continuity. Also, we don't want this sort of problem to ruin the overall look of our final piece. Because continuity is something that is easily identifiable to an audience, we wouldn't want to give them anything to pick at immediately when they view our piece. We will most likely appoint someone to be looking out for continuity errors, so we don't have to spend time trying to think of ways to rectify the errors later on in the process.
Another thing we will change when it comes to producing our final piece, will be checking our actors reliability. Because, during the filming of our prelim, we had to accommodate the time we filmed to suit our actors. So, when it comes to filming and drawing up schedules of when we are filming for the actors, we are going to have to talk to them about our film having to be a priority. If we do this then we won't have to panic about whether the actors are available or not, and it will basically save the group alot of stress, and ultimately-time.
In conclusion, all the things that didn't go as well for the prelim, and the process of making the prelim, will be avoided when we are creating, filming and editing our final piece.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe we could use someones home/a room to which would be reliable and use us as actors? :)
