Saturday 31 October 2009

Prelim Evaluation - Question 5

5) 'What new skills have you developed during the process of filming your prelim?'

I feel that i have developed new skills when it comes to filming and directing. As i hadn't really done this before, i could only develop what little i had already experienced. I now know the process of filming, and the order of how things should run when filming shots, which is a skill i will develop even further when it comes to my final piece. My directing skills are now new also, because the directing i had experienced prior to our prelim wasn't like this. I have developed new skills in following an order in which the filming process should run in, and of course, this skill will also develop when we create and film our final piece.
I also feel I have developed skills such as how to scout locations, and cast actors. I also feel that I have skills that are yet to be developed, such as my camera operating skills. I spent the majority of the time, when filming the prelim, directing and advising the actors and camera operator, I only got the chance to film one shot. As a result of this, I am know going to take a step back from directing in the final piece at one point in the filming process, and experience operating the camera.


  1. Courtney you evaluation is really really good. You have included key examples and explain things really well. I have an idea though...about our actual coursework...someone possible stalking someone..? What do you think? :)

  2. Thats quite a good idea Beccy. But now, i think we have decided on RomCom, we could still use this idea as a starting point, if anything goes wrong with the RomCom genre : )
